3 Opportunities for Small Group Facilitator Training

Small Groups make this Congregation strong. We have people who are interested in joining a small group, and we need leaders to make that happen. Whether you have led a small group in the past or will be a new leader, there are three opportunities for training, either with Rev. Scott Tayler or Reverend Christine.

Rev. Scott Tayler, the man behind the Soul Matters Sharing Circle, is offering a two-hour training class on October 2. The cost is $20. If this is not in your budget, please contact us, and we will help with that. Learn about the training and register.

Reverend Christine is offering a training session for new leaders on two dates (you need only attend one session):

Once you are trained, the Participation Team is ready, willing, and able to support you in getting your new small group started. We can help you with announcements, back you up facilitating for the first two or three sessions, or whatever you need. We will be there for you.

If you have led a small group in the past and would like to attend this training to get back in the game, please join us. We would love to have your expertise lead another group.