Author: Tech UUCP

  • Become a Delegate at the UUA’s 2023 General Assembly!

    UUCP is now selecting delegates to represent us at the 2023 General Assembly!

    What is General Assembly? General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. GA is a 5-day immersive experience where UU’s participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, reconvene with and meet friends and colleagues, and explore a bustling exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who attend. The votes that GA delegates cast have a huge impact on Unitarian Universalism. They determine our elected leaders, amend the bylaws and rules that govern our Association, and shape the justice work that we do as a movement.

    This year’s General Assembly will be held in Pittsburgh Pa, but you also have an option to join virtually. The 2023 assembly will run from June 21 – 25, 2023 online or in-person General Assembly 2023 will be a multiplatform event, with registration options for in-person and/or virtual participation. In-person registration includes access to events scheduled to take place in Pittsburgh, as well as everything available to virtual registrants. Full virtual registration includes access to the GA app, as well as all on-demand programming, live webinars, and live-streamed events.

    In-person registration is $500 for adults, and $350 for high school youth, emerging adults (18-24), and retired and candidate ministers. Full Virtual Registration is $300. Register now before in-person rates increase on May 15. Financial support is also available. Watch this video for an explanation of the 2023 GA registration options for in-person or virtual participation.

    Or, you can join as a “Business Only” delegate for a donation of as little as $0.00. In order to be more radically inclusive, the UUA, for the first time, is offering a “Business Only” option with an optional donation of $0 – $200. You must be a member of UUCP in order to vote at GA.

    So how does one sign up? You must sign up with both UUCP and the UUA.

    • To sign up with UUCP, complete the form below.
    • To sign up with the UUA and pay for your registration, follow this link.

    UUCP 2023 GA Delegate Application

    How do you like people to refer to you?
  • March Navigators Update

    Thank you to everyone that made it to our February hike at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve. We walked through tree lined trails and watched wildlife fly and swim around us. At the end of our hike we visited the observatory. We were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of Jupiter and the planets four moons with the help of volunteers from the East Valley Astronomy Club. We will be visiting this location once again later this year. For more information, check out the Navigators page for updates. 

    For March we will be focusing on conservation and habitat loss. We will have an online meeting Monday, March 13, at 6:30pm. You can attend the meeting on Zoom: Meeting ID 849 3528 7782 | Passcode 707448

    Habitat loss refers to the way humans compromise the quality of ecosystems. Major ways humans are contributing to habitat loss is through destructing and fragmenting large spans of land. One of the ways we can offset habitat loss is through the conservation of natural habitats. Another way is by establishing Certified Wildlife Habitats.  

    For our second event of the month we will have a hike at the Hassayampa River Preserve. We will meet at the visitor center on Saturday, March 25, at 1:00pm and as a group we will walk along the Palm Lake Loop trail. 

    Hassayampa River Preserve is host to numerous birds, insects and reptiles. On our hike Wildlife will be easy to view throughout the lush canopy of native shade trees and relaxing water. The preserve is both a Certified Wildlife Habitat and a Monarch Weigh Station. We hope to see you there! 

    For more information on the Hassayampa River Preserves biodiversity please see this Seasonal Nature Guide PDF.

    For general information regarding the preserve please see the main Hassayampa River Preserve park webpage.

  • Thursday Night Drop-in Small Group

    This small group is an excellent way to make connections within the UUCP community for both people new to UUCP and for those who have been involved in UUCP for years. Our format is very informal as we connect with each other and/or discuss each month’s theme. Come join us!

    Our group meets on Zoom at 7:00pm the third Thursday of every month from October through May.

    Meeting ID: 848 5724 6721 Passcode: 804963

  • New Member Recognition on March 19

    The service on Sunday, March 19, will include recognizing new members. If formally joining our community feels right to you and you would like to be included on March 19, then please email so we can adequately prepare. We present a rose to new members and so want to make sure we have enough. Also, a requirement for membership is to make a financial commitment of any size to support the congregation, which you can do here: if you have not already done so.

    Formally joining is an expression of commitment to UU values and to this community, so we hope you will do so if it feels appropriate.

  • Stewardship Campaign Starts Now!

    Stewardship Campaign Starts Now!

    Stewardship is the act of protecting and being responsible for something worth caring for and preserving. The UUCP founders recognized the value proposition in establishing a home for progressive ideas and theology, and they left us their legacy. In 2023, we have the awesome responsibility to set a trajectory for how we emerge from the pandemic and cement our legacy. To appreciate how important UUCP is in each of our lives, we ask you to reflect on this year’s theme of UUCP2me. What aspects of UUCP are worth caring for and preserving to you, to others, to the whole congregation, and the community?

    The accountable act of Stewardship starts with a commitment that UUCP counts in your life and you want to be counted within the congregation. Stewardship continues with an investment in the legacy we wish to leave to those around us and future generations. The investment includes volunteering your time and sharing your talents, as well as a responsible financial contribution, to any extent that you are able. 

    In prior years, the Board trimmed and cut the budget. The lean budget is not viable for the upcoming year, and a fully funded budget goal has been set for the 2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign. To deliver the value and impact of UUCP, $625,000 in member and friend contributions are necessary. Additional revenue only comes from the on-campus school leases and a fixed donation from the UU Foundation of Phoenix. The value and impact of UUCP comes from within us.

    To preserve UUCP, we ask you to:

    1. Affirm the statement “I am here because I commit to be present and accountable for the care and preservation of UUCP. I consent to be counted among the members and friends of UUCP.
    2. Pledge a responsible financial investment in the life and mission of UUCP using the online accounting system:
    3. Set up payment of your Stewardship Pledge online, which anchors the financial well-being of UUCP. Here are step-by-step instructions: Setting Up Your Financial Pledge in Realm.

    If you have any questions about Stewardship, please email us

    If you have trouble with the online systems, please ask for help

    If you are unable to support UUCP financially this year, and wish to show your commitment to the congregation, you can enter a pledge amount of $0 when completing the form above. 

    For all that you give to UUCP, we are grateful and can live into our best selves. Thank you in advance for making the 2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign a success. 

  • Submit Your Candidates For Leadership This Week!

    If you are a member who would like to get more involved in our congregation’s leadership, or if you know another member you’d like to suggest, please complete this form this week. We are seeking candidate suggestions for 1 position on the UUCP Board of Trustees, 2 positions on the UU Foundation of Phoenix (UUFP) Board, and 3 positions on the Nominating Committee.