Author: Tech UUCP

  • Thank You, Leslie Stallcop!

    Thank You, Leslie Stallcop!

    As we introduce a new website, we want to give a sincere THANK YOU to Leslie Stallcop, who was our volunteer webmaster for the last 2 ½ years. Leslie has worked technical feats of magic, navigated roads of conflicting interests, and has always had the best interest of the congregation in mind as she took care of our complex communication needs. Her knowledge and insight were critical in creating the new website, as well.

    Thank you for your time and effort—but mostly your heart, Leslie!

    Reverend Christine Dance

  • September 2021 Navigators Meeting KNOTS

    September 2021 Navigators Meeting KNOTS

    September 13th @ 6pm
    See Compass for our login info.

    Join us for our September Navigators meeting which will be focused on “knots”. Knots are somewhat of a “lost art” however they have many valuable uses and not to mention can be a lot of fun! 

    This month we will have a quest speaker from our Children’s Ministry team, Cherilyn Walley. She will be sharing stories about her experiences with knots. 

    We will also talk about different careers and sports that use knots as well as how certain types of activism use knots. We look forward to seeing you there!   

    Here are this month’s Badge activities: 

    • Attend Monthly Chapter Meeting
    • What does a knot do?
    • Learn a magic trick with knots
    • Name, describe, and tie 4 knots
    • Lash a structure together
    • Use a knot to tie 2 ropes together (sheet bend, rolling hitch, blood knot)
    • Tie a knot that can be used to haul or hang something (for example: haul loop or bear bag)
    • Create something decorative using a string
    • Create a tool or utility object using string