Author: Tech UUCP

  • Let’s Finish Closing the Gap!

    Let’s Finish Closing the Gap!

    Two weeks ago, we asked everyone to help us close the gap between our 2023-24 stewardship pledging goal and the amount already pledged. Our goal was to get 200 pledging units to commit to $180/year—just $15 a month—and raise $36,000.

    The number of pledging units has now grown to 65, bringing the campaign total to $29,940. That leaves us just $6,060 short of our goal.

    If we could get 100 people to give $60 for the year (or $5 a month), we could close the gap.

    If you have already donated, we deeply appreciate your support. If not, please consider joining those who have stepped up. Even $1.25 a week can make a difference. Here’s the breakdown:

    $5/month = $1.25/week
    $5/month x 12 months = $60/year
    100 pledging units x $60 per year ($5/month) = $6,000

    Feeling Like You Can’t Make Enough of a Difference?

    We understand that for many of our members and friends, substantial donations just aren’t possible. But we want you to understand that even a donation of a few dollars a week can make a difference in the programming we can offer. Our Minister, staff, and Board of Trustees all believe that with everyone’s help, no matter how small, we can reach our goal!

    To help, please send an email to:

    In that email, state your name and what you would like to add to your current pledge. We will do all the tech work within the system. If you have auto payments through your bank, you will need to adjust those, after you have notified us through email.

    If you have not yet made a pledge for this year, please send us an email and we will get your information into the system.

    For those who are already doing all they can—we understand and thank you.

    For those who can do more to help out, please consider it. Whatever you can give, you are joining together in community to make our dreams possible.

    With Love and Gratitude,
    Reverend Christine and the Board of Trustees

  • Together, We Did It!

    Together, We Did It!

    With the extreme generosity of 70 members, we have attained the goal of $36,000 for our Close the Gap campaign. These results bring our budget deficit for the upcoming year down to $34,000, which we will continue to work toward raising during the upcoming year.

    The Close the Gap email and donation option will remain active. At any time during the year, if you feel like you could increase your pledge or contribute to this cause of running our community, please give by emailing

    You are all appreciated for your generosity of time, talent, and treasure in being part of this community! Thank you!

    With Love and Gratitude,
    Reverend Christine and the Board of Trustees

  • Do You Want to Reserve Space for Fall Programming?

    As many of you know, we have a limited amount of space for meetings and other gathering on campus, especially on Sundays and some weekday evenings. While we are working to increase the available space, we are also trying to give everyone an equal opportunity to submit their space requests for the fall, so that we can consider as many requests as possible before programming restarts, and (we hope) accommodate as many requests as possible.

    With that in mind, if you are in charge of a group that would like to meet on campus during the 2023-24 program year, please submit a space request with as many details as possible not later than Friday, July 14.

    All the requests submitted by then will be considered together, and as many as possible will granted. You can, of course, wait until later in the year to submit your request, but please understand that someone else may already be using the space you want to use.

    In summary:

    • Use the Request Space at UUCP form on the website
    • Include as many details as possible, including the name of your group, possible dates and times, and especially preferred spaces
    • Submit your request not later than Friday, July 14
  • You Can Help Us Close the Gap at UUCP!

    You Can Help Us Close the Gap at UUCP!

    In order to act in all the ways that support our values, we need to support ourselves, including our staff, to be able to make our programming a reality and fulfill our commitments to our community. This upcoming year is critical to create growth within our UUCP community.

    At our annual meeting on June 11, we approved a budget of $595,000. We are currently $65,000 short of that goal.

    Together, we can Close the Gap!

    You are essential to our success! We need 200 people to join us in the next two weeks and our goal toward closing the gap can be achieved. We, your Minister and your Board, believe in all of you, and your ability to manifest our values.

    Close the Gap Campaign

    We need 200 people to pledge $15 more a month. That will raise $36,000 and cut our deficit in half. We need you to be one of those people. If we all pull together, we can do this! Here’s a breakdown:

    $15/month = $3.75/week = only .50/day
    $15/month x 12 months = $180/year
    200 pledging units x $180 per year ($15/month) = $36,000

    By Monday, June 26, please send an email to:

    In that email, state your name and what you would like to add to your current pledge. We will do all the tech work within the system. If you have auto payments through your bank, you will need to adjust those, after you have notified us through email.

    If you have not yet made a pledge for this year, please send us an email and we will get your information into the system.

    For those who are already doing all they can—we understand and thank you.

    For those who can do more to help out, please consider it. Whatever you can give, you are joining together in community to make our dreams possible.

    With Love and Gratitude,
    Reverend Christine and the Board of Trustees

  • June Flame Dinner

    Youth Ages 15-18, let’s eat!

    Join us for a purely social dinner together, a chance to hang out, talk, and laugh.

    Please register to receive restaurant location and details!

  • Death Cafe’s Last Meetings

    After three years of meeting to talk about death, it is now time to end this tradition. It has been a joyous ride for which I am so very grateful. Getting to know some of you through our conversations has enriched my life tremendously and I have been so very blessed to be part of these reflections and to share with some of you such personal thoughts and ponderings about the end of life we will all experience.

    June 8th and June 22nd at 11 AM will be the final two Death Cafes. I hope to see some of you that I haven’t seen for awhile and to say goodbye for now and may our paths cross again.

    Zoom ID: 986 8502 4397 | Passcode: 918283

    In deep gratitude, Lynne Westmoreland