Author: UUCP Webmaster

  • Stewardship Campaign – Not Quite There Yet!

    Stewardship Campaign – Not Quite There Yet!

    A sincere thank you for committing to be present and accountable for the care and preservation of UUCP. With your participation, we consent to be counted among the members and friends of UUCP.

    As of April 4, the Stewardship Campaign, has received $412,919 in financial commitments. Our goal, based on the projected costs for UUCP to operate at full capacity is $625,000. An additional $212,081 must be committed to avoid difficult decisions from the Board of Trustees.

    In prior years, we received upwards of 240 pledges. We know that some can give more and some must give less, but we wanted to give an idea of where we currently stand in our commitments.

    At this point, our team will be turning to contacting those who haven’t pledged yet and asking for their commitment. If you are one of those people, we would love to hear from you so we don’t need to call.

    Review all our Stewardship Campaign details and materials. For more information, contact

    Please commit to a responsible financial investment in UUCP today.

    Make your pledge now button for the stewardship campaign drive
  • Foundation Board Chats re Amended Articles & Bylaws

    Save the dates to learn, and ask questions, about the Foundation’s Amended (and Restated) Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. At the Annual Meeting this year, UUCP members—who are also members of the UU Foundation of Phoenix—will be asked to approve updated and amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

    There will be 3 sessions: April 23 & 30, 11:30am – 12:15pm in the Johnson Room and April 27, 6:30 – 7:15pm on Zoom.

    Zoom Meeting ID 838 5292 4883 | Passcode 937837

  • Buy Tish Gauntt’s book, Sitting Upright, After the Service

    Tish Gauntt has donated copies of her book of poetry, Sitting Upright, for sale for donations to benefit the Church. 

    Tish is a longtime UUCP member and has filled many roles, including editing the Church’s poetry magazine, Poikilos, serving on the Board, and giving mental health sermons. 

    Tish currently resides at the Beatitudes Campus of Care, together with a group of other Church members

    A table will be set up in the back of the sanctuary after the service, where you can learn more about Tish and purchase a copy of her book for a donation to the Church in an amount of your choosing.

  • Membership Team Opportunity

    Do you enjoy sharing your love of UUCP with visitors and others interested in learning more about UUCP? The Membership Team is looking for YOU!

    The Membership Team at UUCP is responsible for introducing the UUCP Community to visitors and friends who are considering membership, and helping them to decide if they want to take that next step of becoming a member. This is accomplished through monthly team meetings and monthly ‘Get to Know UUCP’ sessions after Sunday service, as well as quarterly four hour ‘Starting Point’ sessions (currently conducted on Saturday mornings), and participation in ‘New Member Recognition’ ceremonies during Sunday Service (2-3 times per year). Other activities include answering email inquiries from the Visitor Information form and making name tags.

    Being part of the Membership team can be a truly rewarding experience. It’s a remarkable opportunity to connect with newcomers to our community. If you have questions or would like to learn more, email

  • Stewardship Campaign – Not Too Late to Make a Pledge!

    Stewardship Campaign – Not Too Late to Make a Pledge!

    A sincere thank you for committing to be present and accountable for the care and preservation of UUCP. With your participation, we consent to be counted among the members and friends of UUCP. Throughout March, we thought about what UUCP means to each of us, and shared our thoughts in this word cloud:

    A stewardship wordcloud of what UUCP means to us.

    At the close of the Stewardship Campaign, we received 131 pledges totaling $367,341 in financial commitments. Our goal, based on the projected costs for UUCP to operate at full capacity is $625,000. An additional $257,659 must be committed to avoid difficult decisions from the Board of Trustees.

    In prior years, we received upwards of 240 pledges. If an additional 127 pledges were received, an annual commitment of $2,363.84 ($197 per month) would achieve the Stewardship goal. We know that some can give more and some must give less, but we wanted to give an idea of where the bar is.

    At this point, our team will be turning to contacting those who haven’t pledged yet and asking for their commitment. If you are one of those people, we would love to hear from you so we don’t need to call.

    Review all our Stewardship Campaign details and materials. For more information, contact

    Please commit to a responsible financial investment in UUCP today.

    Make your pledge now button for the stewardship campaign drive