Author: UUCP Webmaster

  • UUCP Navigators March Hike at Hassayampa River Preserve

    Our next Navigators event for March will be a hike at the Hassayampa River Preserve. We will meet at the visitor center at 1pm. Our group will walk along the Palm Lake Loop trail. This will be an easier hike along a path that would be rated “easy”. 

    Part of our hike will focus on identifying different butterfly species as “Citizen Science”. Mx. Jezz will be attending an online butterfly identification workshop and will be sharing what they learn with hike attendees. If you would like to attend the online workshop, please see the linked flier for the login information. You can also print out your own Butterfly ID PDFs via the following links:
    Butterfly ID PDF  Advanced ID PDF 

    More on the Preserve:

    The preserve is host to numerous birds, insects and reptiles. The abundant wildlife is easy to view throughout the lush canopy of Native shade trees and relaxing water. The preserve is both a Certified Wildlife Habitat and a Monarch Weigh Station. We hope to see you there! 

    For more information on the Hassayampa River Preserves biodiversity, please see the preserves Seasonal Nature Guide PDF.

    For general information regarding the preserve, please see the main Hassayampa River Preserve park webpage.

  • Connect and Engage Small Group Meeting – March

    New to UUCP? Want to be connected? You are invited to join us at 6:00pm on the third Thursday of every month. The Connect & Engage Small Group has deep, meaningful conversations centered around a monthly theme. Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with other like-minded individuals in a quiet environment where getting to know people is possible beyond what can happen on Sunday after service. We meet both in person and on Zoom. Contact for more information and to sign up.

  • Family Picnic at the Railroad Park – 3/26

    We’re having a family picnic at Railroad Park on March 26! For the first time since the pandemic, the UU Foundation is sponsoring a family picnic at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, 7301 E Indian Bend Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250, Aste Ramada, 12:30 to 4:30. (Grilled items available approximately between 1:00-2:30).

    It’s been three years—time to get our picnic on! There will be a bounce house, games, hot dogs, hamburgers, buns (and vegetarian options), water and lemonade, and cake. Just bring a side dish to share (or any specialty diet items)—we’ve got the rest! Hope to see you there!  Park map

  • Book Discussion Group Meeting – 3/19

    The next UUCP Book Discussion Group Zoom meeting will be at 11:45am on Sunday, 3/19/23. The group will discuss Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and the Epilogue in The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas by Gal Beckerman. This part of the book discusses the way that movements such as #BlackLivesMatter can succeed by moving from small, private discussions to hard, political power. Please join us.

    Meeting ID: 819 2168 7099 | Passcode: 033576

  • Join the Board to Chat about Article II in Person

    Join your UUCP Board of Trustees in person during Coffee Hour after the worship service to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II.

    Article II outlines our principles and purposes, and during General Assembly this year, our delegates will vote on whether or not to move the proposed revisions forward. Love is at the center of the proposed values, which also include equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, justice, and interdependence.

    To learn more or refresh yourself on the proposed revisions, watch Rev. Christine’s November 2022 sermon on this topic.

    If you can’t join us in person on April 2, there will also be a chat on Zoom at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 4. Meeting ID: 856 0759 1957 | Passcode: 875949

  • Join the Board to Chat about Article II on Zoom

    Join your UUCP Board of Trustees on Zoom to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II. Meeting ID: 856 0759 1957 | Passcode: 875949

    Article II outlines our principles and purposes, and during General Assembly this year, our delegates will vote on whether or not to move the proposed revisions forward. Love is at the center of the proposed values, which also include equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, justice, and interdependence.

    To learn more or refresh yourself on the proposed revisions, watch Rev. Christine’s November 2022 sermon on this topic.

    If you would prefer to chat in person, you can join us during Coffee Hour after the worship service on Sunday, April 2, at 11:45am.