Join Us for Soul Conversations About Life Between Lives

Small Group Formation: “Soul Conversations About Life Between Lives”

When (or if) we talk about “reincarnation” with friends, our conversations usually centers broadly around ‘dying and reincarnating’ back here on earth. Rarely, if ever, do we explore the possibilities of what goes on between our death and subsequent rebirth. It is that time between death and rebirth termed “Life Between Lives (LBL)” that inspired the formation of our small group. We hope to talk about the concept, explore the possibilities, educate ourselves and even imagine the mystical experience that may inform us on our journey of an ever-evolving spiritual understanding.

Check out our webpage under “Group Details:” for additional information and reading materials.

Please consider joining our small group, limited to approximately 8 folks, and participate in an intriguing and exploratory Journey of Souls and LBL conversations. Come with an open mind and be prepared to be fascinated by the possibilities.

In preparation, please read/listen to 3-4 chapters of Journey of Souls. You can purchase the book as found and linked on our webpage. Thank you!

Contact Mike/Mickey at The first 8 folks to make contact will be the limit of the first small group meeting. We will provide Mickey’s address to you at sign-up.