Save the Date for the New Year’s Day Potluck & Hike!

The annual UUCP potluck and hike are happening again this year. The hike meetup will be in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve 40th Street Parking Lot–at Shea and 40th Street, go south on 40th street into the parking lot. Additional parking is also available in 40th Street, but go north of the “no parking” signs. We will gather at 9:15 and leave promptly at 9:30 for the hike. The hike will be approximately 3.25 miles, it will take between 1:45 to 2:00 hours over rocky, uneven ground with around 350-feet elevation gain. We will take one break at the top of the saddle for a chance to enjoy the view, catch our breath, and drink some water. Please wear proper footwear, sunscreen, and a hat. Bring water and a trail snack always. This is a moderate hike for people used to hiking, perhaps difficult if you haven’t hiked in a while. Consider your own level of fitness always.

Please RSVP to the participation contact email to receive a phone number to check on the hike if the weather is bad and get directions to the potluck. In the event of inclement weather, please call the morning of the hike to determine whether we will be hiking or just eating. If it is truly raining, do not plan on hiking!

Following the hike we will gather at the home of Ed Cernek and Bonnie White for the potluck. Chicken tortilla soup and a vegan minestrone soup will be provided. Please bring a dish to share if you are able as well as your drink of choice.

You do not have to hike to come eat, you do not have to come eat to hike, but it is waaaay more fun if you do both!

Bring in Stardate 2025.1 with the great outdoors, yummy food, and scintillating conversation! We hope to see you on New Year’s Day!