A New Way to Get Your News Out

As part of an ongoing effort to make our communications processes more efficient, we have launched a new, streamlined form for submitting announcements. We hope that this new form will reduce the amount of effort both for the people submitting announcements and for those responsible for keeping everyone informed about what’s going on in our congregation.

Here’s a quick overview of how things work:

  • The information flow at UUCP starts with the website because this helps keep our public presence updated and allows people new to the congregation to learn more about us. 
  • Announcements that have been published on the website will also appear in our weekly Compass newsletter, most typically as a brief summary that links to the full announcement on the website.
    • Announcements will generally be included in no more than 2 (sometimes 3) consecutive issues of Compass.
    • If you have information that you feel needs to be featured longer, we expect that you will provide new versions of your announcement with a different title and somewhat different content.
  • Events, either one-time or recurring, will be added to the UUCP Calendar unless you specifically ask that we keep your event out of the calendar.
  • Lobby slides / pre-service video – The Communications Coordinator, with input from the Minister and staff, creates a slide display and a short video that run prior to each week’s worship service, using selected current announcements and other information relevant to the service.
  • We are limiting the number of announcements made during service in order to keep the service running smoothly and on time. Therefore, the Minister and the Worship Associates keep an eye on what’s going on in the congregation and will decide if an announcement for a specific event should be made during the worship service.

Please visit our updated Submit an Announcement page and let us know what’s happening with your UUCP activities!

You can learn more about this new process in our Announcement Submission Overview – 2023 document. If you have any questions or suggestions for further improvements, please email webmaster@phoenixuu.org.