Author: Nick Laux

  • Notes From Your Dance Partner

    Notes From Your Dance Partner

    August is the month of planning! Even though I don’t have kids in school (although I do have two teachers in the family now!), August has always been the time when new opportunities feel ripe and it is the metaphorical new notebook with fresh clean pages. It feels like another opportunity to start over again. Your staff and board leadership has been planning and scheming and getting things ready.  

    Last weekend, your UUCP board had its planning retreat where we introduced new board members to the joys and processes of being on board leadership. We introduced each other and I led a session where we explored the strengths we each bring to the organization, we learned more about our fiduciary responsibility, we set some goals and we talked about how we wanted to organize the work of the board. I can tell you that you are very fortunate to have such a committed, talented and caring group of humans leading us all this year!

    This week, some of our staff team–myself, Benjie, Stephanie, Katie and Nick–are heading off for 3 days of planning for the year. We’ll be revisiting our strengths, discuss our goals for the year, discuss the many elements affecting our work, including construction in our spaces and the number of intense pastoral events in the last two years, debrief from Benjie’s sabbatical, and we’ll begin planning for my sabbatical time in the late Spring. We’re also hoping to have some fun, bonding time and some good food together as well!  

    What are you planning for this year? Do you also see this time of year as the perennial “back to school” time where you are in planning or beginning mode? 

  • Do You Like to Sing?

    Do you like to sing? The fall is a perfect time to join the UUCP choir! No experience or training necessary, just a willingness to listen and learn. We rehearse in the sanctuary every Wednesday evening from 7:00-9:00pm and sing in service every two or three weeks. Our first rehearsal is this week, Wed. Aug. 28. If you have any questions, please contact music director Benjie Messer.

  • Close the Gap – We Did It!

    Close the Gap – We Did It!

    Dear Beloved UUCP Community,

    We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generosity and commitment, we have officially closed the gap and met our 2024-2025 budget goal of $610,000!

    Your support has made it possible for us to continue fulfilling our mission and making a difference in our community. We can sustain our programs and initiatives in the coming year.

    Thank you for your dedication, your generosity, and for coming together to make this achievement possible. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can continue to build the beloved community we all cherish.

    With deepest gratitude,

    Stewardship Team, Board of Trustees, Rev Christine Dance & Staff

  • Notes From Your Dance Partner

    Notes From Your Dance Partner

    This past Sunday was the first week of our Spiritual Nourishment Series. In our first week, we did a UU version of Lectio Divina with Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem Kindness. I had a number of people who said they really enjoyed that and wanted to learn more. I’m really glad because it is also one of my favorite ways to consume poetry as a spiritual practice.  

    There are a number of different ways you can do Lectio Divina in a UU way, but what they all have in common is that the poem needs to be read at least three times (there are some versions that have it read 5 times). The way I like to do it is:

    • 1st time: Read it just to get familiar with it
    • 2nd time: Underline or consider certain words or phrases that stand out for you. Think about what they mean and the impact they are having on you.  
    • 3rd time: Read it just to feel it

    If you want some other poems that you can use for this Spiritual practice, consider these:

    This week, we will be experimenting with body meditations–different ways of being in our body as a way of being in the here and now and also connecting beyond ourselves. I hope you will join us!

  • Let’s Welcome Benjie’s Return!

    Let’s Welcome Benjie’s Return!

    From our music director, Benjie Messer:

    I had an incredible sabbatical! I spent a month in the Philippines with my girlfriend’s family, a month on a road trip through the western U.S. visiting friends, and many days in Mesa taking care of my infant niece. I also threw myself into non-religious musical projects. I improved my brass band’s live show, and recorded and produced music and videos for them. I practiced guitar and wrote a bunch of new songs. I read music-related books. And I got a lot of rest.

    Throughout, I was grateful to you for allowing me to take this sabbatical. I love working at UUCP, and I’m looking forward to seeing and making music with you all again. I’ll be back in service this Sunday, Aug. 11, and I invite all of our choir members and other musicians to catch up with me after service. For those wanting to join the choir, our first rehearsal will be Wed. Aug. 28 at 7:00pm in the sanctuary.

    p.s. the photo is from my trip to Nacpan Beach, Palawan, the Philippines.

  • Notes From Your Dance Partner

    Notes From Your Dance Partner

    Benjie is back!!!

    Our Music Director, Benjie Messer, has returned from his 7-month sabbatical. I got the wonderful opportunity to drive in a car with him for 14 hours total to Albuquerque (7 hours each way) as we traveled to the Association of UU Music Ministries gathering, which was full of music, joy, worship and companionship. We got to catch up on everything and I am so excited to have him back.  

    AND, I am SO proud of this congregation and how well we did while he was gone. WIth the tremendous help of Donna Featherston and Susan Morris, our terrific paid musicians–Jessica, Christine and Nicole, our song leaders, and our amazing staff who did extra work–our music continued to be high quality, beautifully organized and fully supporting our cohesive worship experiences. It seemed like a big task when we all took it on and I think many of us feel really proud of how well we managed.  

    Benjie’s absence was really felt, his collaborative spirit, his brilliant ideas, his intuitive sense of what is right for the moment, and his abundant kindness.  

    Welcome Benjie home this Sunday with me as I also return to the pulpit for a series of 4 services in our “Take A Breath” month where we get some spiritual nourishment. It will be good to share the community together with him.  And thank you all to everyone who helped make this sabbatical possible!