BIODIVERSITY in white text over orange / pink colored background

Navigators / Earth Justice Ministry / UUJAZ Biodiversity Day

Sunday, May 22, is International Biodiversity Day and we will be hosting two collaborative events to mark this holiday. Post-Service Event with Earth Justice Ministry After the service on Sunday, we will have an art-centered educational event about biodiversity and extinction. Laurel Hardin of UUCP’s Earth Justice Ministry will be sharing information about endangered species

Sale of Art in the Sanctuary to Benefit Ukrainians

The art now on display in the Sanctuary is from Laurel Hardin and Mark Stambaugh’s home, some of which has been marked for sale (see card next to the art piece). Laurel has generously offered to send 40% of any sales she receives to the Hungarian UU Church providing help to Ukrainians suffering from the

Poetry Walk and Talk – Last Walk for the Summer

Friday, May 20, will be the last poetry walk for the summer. An announcement will be made in Compass when the walks resume in cooler weather. Bring a poem that you would like to read to the group. We will be walking about a mile in a neighborhood with delightful architecture and landscaping. We meet

Sacred Earth, Common Ground

Our congregation is one of only 4 organizations that have been invited to attend an event called “Sacred Earth, Common Ground” on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. It is designed to facilitate communication among people of different cultures, religions, and ways of thinking. A portion of our choir will perform there to open the event. You can view the event

UUCP Name Tags Update May 17, 2022

Now that we are gathering again, we are reorganizing our name tags. If you have had one in the past, please look for it on the pegboard at the entrance to the sanctuary, and if you find it, hang it on the permanent board in the back after the service (or bring it home).  If you