The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix strives to be a spiritual community for our time, focused on diverse theological perspectives, radical inclusion, and knowing that issues of justice and equity shape everything we do.
With a special awareness for those who have been historically marginalized, we welcome all, of every race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background, mental and physical ability and disability. We welcome your whole self, your family into our worship as we build a community of caring, courage, and hope.
We are passionate about anti-racism, anti-oppression, equality, and justice work. Social justice is not just a component of our ministry; it is embedded into every part of us. We strive for a multicultural anti-oppression presence in every aspect of what we do, including worship, outreach, and even committee work.
Friday, June 9 - 7:00pm MST
Join Kathy Manker & Bruce Gardner presenting the Sacred Sites of Mary Magdalene & Southern France this Friday, June 9. Their presentation will be held in the UUCP Sanctuary from 7pm to 8pm, on Zoom: Meeting ID: 871 8102 4474 | Passcode: 009230. Kathy and Bruce will be presenting a slide show of their trip to
Four people have already died from the heat this year in Maricopa County, and many more are in danger as the temperatures continue to rise. The 2023 Heat Relief Network offers hydration, cooling, and heat relief respite centers throughout the valley. See where you can bring donations of water, or donate money to the cause.
Coffee Hour Refreshments will not be provided in the Johnson Room after Worship Service on July 2, 2023. However, you’re welcome to go into the Johnson Room after Worship and mingle.
Thursday, June 1 - June 30, 2023
No More Deaths is our Share the Plate Partner in June.
The mission of No More Deaths (NMD) is to end death and suffering in the Mexico-US borderlands.
Monday, June 12 - 6:00pm MST
This month we will have our first meeting on Monday, June 12, in person at UUCP. Our June theme for Navigators will be abolition. We will be meeting up in the Abolition Classroom in Annex A. Our group will look at a couple of the exercises in the room, complete at least one and do