I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately.
I’ve been thinking about it because it is the value that is in the center of our new proposed Unitarian Universalist values that would replace our current 8 Principles.
I’ve been thinking about it because the UUA is hosting the 30 Days of Love between MLK Day and Valentine’s Day, focusing us around issues of love and justice.
I’ve been thinking about it because there is a LOT going on at UUCP and amidst all the administrative details, it is important to remember that we are a community of love, gratitude and support. The busier I get, the more I have to remember that.
I also thought about it this week at the Town of Paradise Valley’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I was reminded of how my value of love is what keeps me passionate about fighting for racial justice, immigration justice, reproductive justice and more.
I imagine that love is important in your world view as well. I hope you take some time this week to think about how it informs your beliefs, your values, your sense of community and the reasons you value UUCP.