Author: Nick Laux

  • Notes From Your Dance Partner – November 3, 2022

    In the final days before the election, I am worried. I am worried about the future of our country–the polarization, the hate rhetoric that I’ve heard, the proposed legislation that takes more and more rights away from women, transgender people, and people of color, and more. Frankly, I’m worried about our democracy; I am concerned that if some folks don’t win then they will just say that it was stolen and contest it.  

    And yet, I’m still here, breathing life into hope, loving as deeply and fully as I can and deeply committed to making things better. As we breathe into these next few days, I share with you the Sikh prayer by Valarie Kaur, written on the day after the election in 2016.

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
    In our tears and agony, we hold our children close and confront the truth: The future is dark.

    But my faith dares me to ask:
    What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?
    What if our America is not dead but a country still waiting to be born? What if the story of America is one long labor?
    What if all the mothers who came before us, who survived genocide and occupation, slavery and Jim Crow, racism and xenophobia and Islamophobia, political oppression and sexual assault, are standing behind us now, whispering in our ear:
    You are brave? What if this is our Great Contraction before we birth a new future?

    Remember the wisdom of the midwife: “Breathe,” she says. Then: “Push.”

    Now it is time to breathe. But soon it will be time to push; soon it will be time to fight — for those we love — Muslim father, Sikh son, trans daughter, indigenous brother, immigrant sister, white worker, the poor and forgotten, and the ones who cast their vote out of resentment and fear.

    Let us make an oath to fight for the soul of America — “The land that never has been yet— and yet must be” (Langston Hughes) — with Revolutionary Love and relentless optimism.

    And so I pray this Sikh prayer:

    Nanak Naam Chardi Kala,
    Tere Bane Sarbat Da Bhalla
    “In the name of the Divine within us and around us, we find everlasting optimism.
    Within your will, may there be grace for all of humanity.”
    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

  • Milkweed for Monarchs Sale

    Milkweed for Monarchs Sale

    There are 10 milkweed plants left over from the sale. They need homes. If you requested, but did not purchase your plants, please arrange for that Sunday 11/20/22. Unclaimed plants will be sold to whoever wants them. All need to go! All sales are cash and carry.

    Everyone who ordered Milkweed plants will need to pay for and collect their plants on Saturday, November 12 or Sunday, November 13 between 12 and 3 pm.

    We can only accept cash payments, so please plan to bring the exact amount for the plants you ordered, at $10 each. Thank you.

    If you cannot come on those dates please email to make other arrangements.

  • Earth Justice Meeting Sunday, November 20

    Our regular monthly meeting is being delayed a week to accommodate the Milkweed for Monarchs sale happening Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13. We will meet on Sunday, November 20, at 1:30pm via Zoom: ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth Newcomers are always welcome.

    For more information, contact

    Please contact Laurel Hardin, chair, at to join the group and receive meeting minutes and agendas

  • Calling All Young Adults

    Calling All Young Adults

    The UUCP young adult’s community is invited to a reception at the home of Rev. Christine Dance, November 19 at 5:00pm.

    If you are questioning whether you are a young adult – YOU ARE! The purpose is to come together as an affinity group to get to know each other, have some good conversation, and explore the interest in having an ongoing group.

    Through an ongoing group many things are possible: social engagement within the UUCP young adult community, a ready response to a call for action, a voice for a stronger sense of inclusion within UUCP.

    The purpose of this meeting and future meetings is for the group to decide. Coming to the reception implies no commitment to continuing participation.

    Come have a good time and meet the community within the community of UUCP! Please RSVP by November 15 to allow us to plan for the food and drink.