Author: Tech UUCP

  • Board Message to the Congregation, August 2020

    According to the calendar, nine months have passed since the 2019-2020 UUCP program year began. Time flies when you’re having fun, and the past nine months could have been nine years. In reflection, time has had a new metric because of the successes and challenges we have faced individually, as a family, in community, and with our nation. Here, the UUCP Board of Trustees shares a brief reflection on the past year, while setting the stage for our 57th year of liberal religious traditions, rooted in service and social justice.

    The 2019-2020 Board goals were to secure a firm foundation in process, deepen and grow membership, complete construction, and assure financial security. Today, our congregation is strong, grounded, and well-equipped to lead into the future. The Board has immense gratitude for the leadership within our teams, groups, and councils, all of which continue to deliver an array of programs and connections across our congregation. Further, the staff show strength, innovation, and commitment to our mission and vision. And then, there is Reverend Christine.

    Our new minister. Last year, the ministerial search committee showed the UUCP culture and opportunity to ministerial candidates in search. The connection was made with Rev. Christine and we are so blessed. Christine’s life experiences, talents, and values are gifts in their alignment with UUCP’s mission, vision, and aspirations. The Board worked to on-board her for a long and meaningful ministry with UUCP. UUCP is a large, growing congregation, with passionate members with great energy, vision, and drive. We endorsed strong boundaries for Rev. Christine to assure that her duties did not compromise her personal time, mental health, or physical health. At times, this meant supporting her in saying no. Further, most of these ideas and opportunities have been bookmarked (literally in a notebook) for a not-too-distant date, when resources and time allow. Please note that Rev. Christine’s installation as UUCP’s Minister will take place in that not-too-distant future, given its postponement for the current pandemic.

    Fiduciary responsibility. We entered the current program year with a financial hangover. Larry Reed, our treasurer, built a financial restabilization plan with the finance committee to ensure long-term sustainability. Rev. Christine committed to operating on a lean budget, with transparency. We succeeded. Our new chart of accounts is used to record income and expenses in clearly marked categories, which facilitated a more comprehensible budget for next year. The 2017-2020 capital campaign closed with a new air handling system, patio, roof, and parking lot. And not to be understated, our restabilization has made UUCP attractive to multiple lending institutions for a favorable mortgage (as was planned prior to the capital campaign). And we have immense gratitude for our members, new and old, for giving to UUCP in support of our staff, programs, property, and values.

    And then the pandemics. The Board is united in our science-based responses to the coronavirus pandemic and the social justice-based responses to white privilege. Our duties revolve around the sustainability of our congregation, both physical resources and people. Consensus was achieved rapidly to move services to a digital platform, expand online connections, and promote a multi-pronged approach for community and pastoral care. We are concerned for your health and well-being, and until in-person gatherings can be adequately safe, online activities will sustain us. Further, the Board immediately resolved to support revised job functions for our beloved staff and maintain their hours and pay.

    What’s next. The Board, with Rev. Christine, is watching the health pandemic closely and will develop a clear protocol to re-open campus, when it is appropriate. Campus will not open as quickly as it was closed. The return is likely to be a phased process, which will include a blend of online and in-person activities. As always, the Board and staff are committed to transparent communication. Our 2020-2021 budget has been approved by the congregation to include fair wages for our staff, a website redesign, contributions to reserve accounts, and rational decisions about the uncertainty of the future. The 2020-2021 expenses will be managed lean, and thereby be nimble to respond to changing economic conditions and establish the foundation for future stability and growth. Your new Board will meet over the summer to monitor the current climate and hold a retreat to assess our strategic growth.

    Joy. Remember that there is joy. Please find ways to grow and share joy, as these small acts brighten our days.This message supports our goal of regular, transparent communication to share the priorities, actions, and positions of the Board. The messages work in tandem with weekly announcements, monthly Board chats, Board meetings, congregational meetings, and one-on-one conversations about UUCP operations and activities. We offer these updates with humility and in the spirit of transparency. We welcome continued input as to how we can do better.

    The UUCP Board is grateful for the congregation’s support and trust. The honor is ours.

  • UUCP President Message to the Congregation, May 2020

    Is it getting better
    Or do you feel the same?
    Will it make it easier on you now?
    You got someone to blame
    —U2, One , Achtung Baby

    May 3, 2020
    Like each of you, I find myself settling into new routines just long enough for them to be unsettling and require change. Some of us may have more time on our hands, which only means more challenges with time management between work, life, and self-care. Virtually, UUCP provides a Sunday morning beacon, Monday morning meditation, Tuesday evening board work, Wednesday lunch with the minister, and Thursday community night. The meaningful aspects of our lives do not change in substance, perhaps just in content or mechanism of delivery. In fact, in all our zoom rooms, I cherish that each of us has our ‘name tag’ on our video so we can be sure to know our community more deeply.

    At this time of year, our congregation usually transitions through stewardship, end of year programming, youth celebrations, and a hibernation from the summer swelter. Not this year! This year our Board, minister, and staff have pivoted with grace and joy to assure us as a ‘Congregation for Our Time.’ Our covenant begins with ‘Love’ as our doctrine, which rang, rings, and will ring true every day forward. And because of this, the U2 song One repeats in my head.

    You say one love, one life (One life)
    It’s one need in the night
    One love (one love), get to share it
    Leaves you darling, if you don’t care for it

    We as a congregation are special in that love can take many forms and actions. Consider every thought, smile, view, virtual attendance, witness of nature, hello, and sigh to be gratitude for life and love. Every little action adds and assembles into something larger, which we know to be the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix. To celebrate UUCP, I recently went back to read our history as compiled by Charlotte Carl-Mitchell and learned of internal conflicts of perspective and external challenges of ideology. UUCP has weathered social and political storms, only to prepare us for the present. I write this letter, because love must be shared, and it will leave if it is not cared for.

    Well it’s too late, tonight
    To drag the past out into the light
    We’re one, but we’re not the same
    We get to carry each other
    Carry each other

    We’re a multi-colored tapestry woven into a new social fabric. Each of us contributes our own humanity to the congregation, with warm welcoming and full inclusion, which carries each other. We fold in the past – both the good and the bad. We unpack our resources. And we seize the opportunities into the second half of our first century.

    Moving forward, nothing will be easy as there is limited precedence for current events. Individually, our financial and social situations may have, and still may, change. As families, we’ll struggle with rites of passage and modified traditions. As a community, we will develop more quickly than planned. I can assure you that your Board, minister, and staff are at the forefront of change and response. We are committed to sustaining UUCP staffing and programming at the current levels, because we’re One Love .

    This message is not a scheduled update (Board message coming early June), yet some updates are worth noting. Our campus is deep cleaned with gratitude to Manuel. The patio, parking lot, air conditioner, and roof construction are completed. Our staff are performing their jobs in whole new creative ways. Our Board has committed to sustaining employment for staff. Our online service attendance and views are 30% above in person attendance. Our members, friends, and stewards continue to pay their pledges. Our weekly plate donations are down >60% as virtual ‘pass the plate’ lacks the emotional connection to giving. Our generosity to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund supports congregants. The stewardship campaign has 66% participation, with $465,000 of $609,000 committed. Our accounting systems are active and current. I am getting together with past UUCP presidents to reflect on our position. And, please save the date for our first virtual UUCP Congregational Meeting on June 14, 2020.

    To assure that the board can plan next steps, please submit a stewardship form ( Pledge Online ) if you have not. If you supplement your pledge with plate donations, please consider alternate ways to give. If your stimulus check is a bonus, perhaps an additional pledge or gift is possible. And, if you find yourself on unstable financial and employment grounds, UUCP is built on cliche (hard rock), both under our campus and our congregation. Please request a financial waiver on the stewardship form and lean into the love resonating from UUCP – at an acceptable physical distance.

    As the U2 song One closes, we share in the message that we are one, here to carry each other.

    One love
    One blood
    One life
    You got to do what you should
    One life
    With each other
    Sisters and my brothers
    One life
    But we’re not the same
    We get to carry each other, carry each other

    With gratitude for the honor to serve UUCP, thank you.
    Jonny Lifshitz

  • Board Message to the Congregation, January 2020

    The members and friends of UUCP welcome all in building religious community, called to share journeys, grow in spirit, advance justice.

    The Board of Trustees continues to work with Reverend Dance to achieve the goals set in August. The 2019-2020 goals are to secure a firm foundation in process, deepen and grow membership, complete construction, and assure fiduciary responsibility. Today, we are strong and grounded, with deep resolve to show up and advocate for humanity, kindness, love, and equity.

    This message supports our goal of regular, transparent communication to share the priorities, actions, and positions of the Board. The messages work in tandem with weekly announcements, monthly Board chats, open questions (year-long discussion topics), congregational meetings, and one-on-one conversations about UUCP operations and activities. We offer the following updates with humility and in the spirit of transparency. We welcome continued input as to how we can do better.

    The Board works with Reverend Dance on shared priorities. The priorities include (1) building trust with staff, (2) completing construction, (3) establishing financial structure and process, and (4) re-structuring the membership process. We engage these priorities with transparency, open communication, and celebrate with joy. With limited resources, we have bookmarked many great ideas, suggestions, and ways to live into our vision for the near future.

    Operating within budget. Last year, our minister, finance committee, and congregational administrator led us through an intentional budgeting process. Many difficult decisions were made in order to hold true to our fiduciary responsibility. The Board and staff are committed to operate within budget in order to understand true staff, programmatic, and operational costs. To date, we are at or below budget, with an outlook to finish the year strong. The finance committee anticipates a small year-end balance, which continues to stabilize our congregation.

    UUCP 501(c)3 Designation. In our 60+ year history, UUCP has never applied for an independent designation as a nonprofit organization. In Arizona, all religious organizations are automatically nonprofit for tax purposes. An independent 501(c)3 designation creates eligibility for grant awards and employer matched donations. Our application was submitted in January 2020. If your contributions are matched by an employer, please ask how to maximize your contributions through matches.

    A financial plan is in place. Our finance committee and UUCP office have implemented new processes for financial accountability, which include separate capital and operating accounts, online banking, and Quickbooks Online with itemized entries. The Board maintains oversight of UUCP finances through financial reports. Our current financial processes and clean records position UUCP with strength to secure a new mortgage to payoff the current mortgage, finance the remainder of the construction/ repairs, and provide reserve finances as part of operational expenses. In the meantime, the UUFP has extended a short-term loan ($200,000) to cover the outstanding construction bills, while we wait for remaining capital pledges and the updated mortgage.

    The roof must be replaced. As a consequence of original design and wear and tear, the roof over the west hallway (Johnson room to room 15) must be replaced. The roof is perforated with pipes, pooling water, and is beyond its original lifespan. A temporary fix (tarps) has been applied as a result of the generosity of a member. Demolition of the foam roof covering and covering to slope the roof is estimated at $57,000. Additional plumbing and electrical work is required to complete the job. The Board has planned to cover the roof costs with a $50,000 donation from a member family and the remainder with the new mortgage.

    Accessible front entrance plans. The accessible front entrance as the final phase of the construction project is paused. We cannot begin the planned ramps until a new mortgage is secured. The Board is committed to the implementation of the full construction project.

    Deeper and wider membership. Our vision and mission will continue to serve our members, friends, and future members. Each UUCP program is instilled with a focus to deepen relationships for existing members and welcome new individuals. The Board helped create a new membership team that continues to evolve programs to welcome new members.

    Open Questions. Our governance documents challenge us to explore deep and meaningful discussions in partnership with the entire congregation through a process called “open questions.” These open questions are meant to guide our thoughts and actions on being a community for our time. For the remainder of the year, the Board will find ways to engage in discussions about communication. How does a congregation for our time communicate transparently, effectively, and regularly? Look for coffee hour discussion tables, cottage meetings, neighborhood groups, and more that will lead to a robust communication plan next year.

    The Board continues to work for the sustainability of the congregation so that all of us can be justice centered, radically inclusive, and theologically diverse. Thank you for being part of our congregation, showing up for justice, and continuing the living tradition of UUCP.

  • UUCP Covenant of Commitment to Our Congregation, January 2020

    I am committed to the role our congregation plays in my religious exploration, and respect the shared ministry of each congregant, staff member, and minister, therefore:

    • I acknowledge and accept my role as a community member, approaching each encounter with curiosity; generosity, and patience with the process
    • I honor differences as opportunities to learn
    • I  listen to what others say
    • I do my best to communicate directly and with humility.

    I understand disagreement and conflict as an opportunity for growth, therefore:

    • I state my views with kindness directly to those involved
    • I say of another only what I would say to them;
    • I am open to be changed by others;
    • I practice both patience and fortitude;
    • I remember to show gratitude to others for their contributions.

    I affirm our flourishing religious community, therefore:

    • I am generous with my talents, efforts, and gifts;
    • I support those who take leader positions;
    • I accept leadership when called and guide with love, warmth, and humor;
    • I encourage positive development within our congregation, individually and collectively.

    Thus do I covenant.

  • Board Message to the Congregation, September 2019

    We are living into our vision to be a spiritual community for our time. There is no time like the present to continue the work we started last year to modernize, update, and grow our UUCP community. Thank you for being with us as we continue the work started 60+ years ago and leave a legacy for those to follow.

    Your UUCP Board of Trustees has committed to transparency, communication, and stewardship for 2019-2020 and to establish this model for the future. To fulfill that commitment, this message is the first of three annual messages to share the priorities, actions, and positions of the Board. The messages work in tandem with weekly announcements, monthly board chats, and one-on-one conversations about UUCP operations and activities. We offer the following updates with humility and in the spirit of transparency. We welcome continued input as to how we can do better.

    Reverend Dance is our called minister. The Board, as with all of UUCP, celebrates the arrival and new ministry of Rev. Dance. Already, we have worked together over a board retreat, conference calls, and emails to set the course and expectations for 2019-2020. As a minister in preliminary fellowship, as defined by the UUA, she will benefit from mentorship opportunities, an advisory group, and the Board to guide her and us to set the tone for our congregation. At the outset, the Board supports Rev. Dance’s priorities in (1) building trust with staff, (2) completing construction, (3) establishing financial structure and process, and (4) re-structuring the membership process. Through all of this, the Board and Rev. Dance seek to operate with transparency, open communication, and express these actions with joy.

    The patio, air conditioning, and upper parking lot are completed. Construction in Arizona is a challenge, particularly with an old building on undeveloped land. At every turn, our congregation administrator, Lora Gustafson, overcame obstacles that can be summarized as trying to fit square pegs in round holes, only to find that the round holes were triangles. The construction team identified that communication was just as challenging as the caliche (essentially natural concrete) under the patio and parking lot. The caliche required unanticipated ‘hard digs’ that resulted in substantial cost overruns and schedule delays. As of this message, the Town of Paradise Valley has granted full occupancy for the building and patio, with the parking lot certificate imminent.

    Stewardship is a success. Bunny Hodas leads our stewardship team, spreading the message that our commitment as members includes taking care of the congregation. The Board is excited to share that we are excellent stewards of UUCP. Our updated membership rosters record 280 giving units and 340 members, with anticipated 94% or more participation in pledges for the financial security of our future. Many of you chose methods for regular pledge payments, which enhances our ability to budget, forecast, and track cash flow. If you would like help in setting up weekly or monthly payments, please contact Lora or Christine Marshall. Upon final count, UUCP has a pledge total of $580,000 for 2019-2020. Thank you for your generosity and patience with the process.

    A financial plan is in place. Our treasurer, Larry Reed, has worked with the UUCP office and finance committee to develop a financing and accounting plan. Immediately, members can see these changes in the simplified budget, financial email updates, and budget graphs posted on campus. The increased Board oversight of UUCP finances includes regular board reports through the finance committee, a transition to electronic records (e.g. QuickBooks online, digital banking), and a bookkeeper. The Board, Staff, and Rev. Dance are committed to running a lean operation, within the approved budget for 2019-2020. In the longer term, the financial plan requires a new mortgage to pay off the current mortgage, finance the remainder of the construction, and provide reserve finances to ensure planned operational expenses.

    Accessible front entrance construction paused for plans and financing. The completed construction took longer than we planned and cost more money than we expected, concurrent with financial and bookkeeping challenges. With most of the construction complete and the financial outlook bright, the Board of Trustees, Minister, and staff have agreed to pause the construction. We want to have all the bills for this phase of the construction come in and make absolutely sure we are clear and responsible in our financial security going forward. And, we want to make sure we are absolutely clear on the cost and timeframe of the final phase – the accessible entrance for our campus. We anticipate that the pause will not be long. We are committed to the original goal to build an accessible entrance AND just as committed to being responsible with the finances of this congregation. Our next steps, in parallel, are 1) to secure the construction loan that was part of the original plan, and 2) develop a detailed construction plan with the contractor, construction manager, and architect.

    The Board celebrates the staff, members, and the congregation. The Board is humbled and honored to lead the congregation at this auspicious time. We look back at the great UUCP legacy in building community and changing the world we live in. As with many times before, we overcame some obstacles in the last few years, emerging with renewed purpose and resources to live into our mission. Our Minister is effervescent to advance justice, inclusion, and liberal theology. Our staff is first among peers. UUCP is the envy of others in the UUA. It’s going to be a great year.