On Tuesday, the AZ House passed a resolution to lift the limit, but only for this year. Unfortunately, the Senate has not passed a similar measure. Please contact Senate President Karen Fann (602-926-5974 or kfann@azleg.gov) AND your senator to encourage them to lift the limit as well. If you don’t know what district you’re in,
On January 15 the African American Christian Clergy Coalition, joined by many other groups, sponsored the “Arizona Deliver for Voting Rights March.” UUCP member Sandy Weir was there as a member of the Arizona Faith Network. Featured speakers were Martin Luther King III, his wife Arndrea Waters King, and his 13-year-old daughter, Yolanda, who came
Your voice matters! Unless the Legislature acts before March 1, public schools will have to cumulatively cut spending for this school year by over $1.2 BILLION. This can be stopped with enough public outcry. Read more and learn what you can do. And, once again, we recommend the Civic Engagement Beyond Voting website as a
Your voice matters! We are challenged by AZ legislators who have proposed bills that derail public education: withholding funding, allowing loaded guns on campus, banning books, micromanaging teachers, and outing LGBTQ students to their parents. These bills can be stopped with enough public outcry. The Arizona Education Association has made speaking out on these issues
Request to Speak (RTS) is a way for citizens to speak out that is unique to Arizona. It allows you to use your “voice” online to weigh in on bills. No actual speaking is involved. Sign up to receive Melinda Iyer’s Weekly Legislative Update. Melinda reports which bills are at a point in the process