UUCP Earth Justice logo (green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, surrounded by a blue circle) over a view of open desert with mountains in the distance

Earth Justice Ministry Meeting to Plan for Climate Change Revival

Sunday, January 26 - 12:00pm MST Please join us at an extra meeting this month to plan for our upcoming UU Climate Change Revival, scheduled for 2/1/25. You may bring refreshments from Coffee Hour. Minutes and Agendas will be available at the meeting. Newcomers are welcome.

UUCP Earth Justice logo (green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, surrounded by a blue circle) over a view of open desert with mountains in the distance

Earth Justice Ministry New Date for February Meeting

Sunday, February 16 - 12:00pm MST Due to the Stewardship Kick-off activities on February 9, we are shifting our meeting to February 16. We will still be meeting in Annex H, and you may bring refreshments from Coffee Hour. Minutes and Agendas will be available at the meeting. Newcomers are welcome.

February 1 | 9am - 3pm | 2 stylized heads with flowers and the earth, facing each other | logo of green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, inside a blue circle

Save the Date to Help Us Help the Earth

Please plan to attend our Climate Change Revival on Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 9am – 3pm. We need adults and children to help us: There will be reimagining activities for adults and environmentally-related activities for children. And on Sunday, February 2,2025, our worship will be focused on climate justice. We hope you will give

UUCP Earth Justice logo (green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, surrounded by a blue circle) over a view of open desert with mountains in the distance

Earth Justice Ministry Monthly Meeting

Sunday, January 12 - 12:00pm MST Please join us to plan for our upcoming UU Climate Change Revival, scheduled for 2/1/25. You may bring refreshments from the Coffee Hour. Minutes and Agendas will be available at the meeting. Newcomers are welcome.

February 1 | 9am - 3pm | 2 stylized heads with flowers and the earth, facing each other | logo of green cactus with pink flowers in a brown chalice, inside a blue circle

It Takes All of Us to Help the Earth

Saturday, February 1 - 9:00am MST Please plan to attend our Climate Change Revival on Saturday, February 1, from 9am – 3pm. We need all of you to: identify opportunities for climate justice in our unique context; develop a vision of a flourishing future/ and understand your role in the interdependent ecosystem of creating climate justice and collective liberation

Earth Justice Ministry Meeting

Sunday, December 8 - 12:00pm MST We meet in Annex H, and will primarily be planning our upcoming Climate Change Revival. This is our regular monthly meeting which occurs on the second Sundays (generally) of the month.  Please bring Coffee hour snacks if you’d like. Newcomers are welcome.