Save the date! Sunday, April 23 at 12:30, in the Johnson Room.
Program Council will meet for the first time in 2023. Your presence and participation is valued, in person or via Zoom.
Save the date! Sunday, April 23 at 12:30, in the Johnson Room.
Program Council will meet for the first time in 2023. Your presence and participation is valued, in person or via Zoom.
Join your UUCP Board of Trustees on Zoom to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II. Meeting ID: 856 0759 1957 | Passcode: 875949
Article II outlines our principles and purposes, and during General Assembly this year, our delegates will vote on whether or not to move the proposed revisions forward. Love is at the center of the proposed values, which also include equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, justice, and interdependence.
To learn more or refresh yourself on the proposed revisions, watch Rev. Christine’s November 2022 sermon on this topic.
If you would prefer to chat in person, you can join us during Coffee Hour after the worship service on Sunday, April 2, at 11:45am.
Join your UUCP Board of Trustees in person during Coffee Hour after the worship service to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II.
Article II outlines our principles and purposes, and during General Assembly this year, our delegates will vote on whether or not to move the proposed revisions forward. Love is at the center of the proposed values, which also include equity, transformation, pluralism, generosity, justice, and interdependence.
To learn more or refresh yourself on the proposed revisions, watch Rev. Christine’s November 2022 sermon on this topic.
If you can’t join us in person on April 2, there will also be a chat on Zoom at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 4. Meeting ID: 856 0759 1957 | Passcode: 875949
The UUCP Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying members of the congregation who would like to take active leadership roles in the congregation. We need to nominate candidates for our UUCP leadership teams by April 1, 2024 and would appreciate your suggestions for possible candidates. You can learn more about our leadership on our Governance page.
If you are a member looking for an opportunity to get more involved, or if you know another member you’d like to suggest as a possible candidate, please complete this form on or before March 1, 2024. Self nominations are welcome.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Where We Need Your Help
We are seeking new candidates for 4 positions on the UUCP Board of Trustees, 2 positions on the UU Foundation of Phoenix (UUFP) Board, and 3 positions on the Nominating Committee.
Please come and visit with the Board about our Share The Plate program and about our values as they relate to generosity at the following times:
This is the start of a larger and longer conversation about who we are and how we want to show up for each other and our larger community. Please join us, your Board members, in the conversation.
We, the members of the UUCP Nominating Committee, are pleased to present to you the nominees for UUCP leadership positions in the coming year, 2022-2023. You can learn more about them in the Slate of Candidates for Leadership Positions at UUCP for 2022-2023—their names, backgrounds, and photos. We are thrilled with this list of highly capable and interesting candidates! The election will be at the mid-year Congregational Meeting in June.