Children’s Ministry Beginnings & Endings

Children's Ministry Updates

As the seasons will be changing here in Phoenix, so are the Children’s Ministry programs we offer. Throughout the end of September, we will be transitioning out of a few programs and into a few new ones!

Programs Beginning

Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators is beginning in October!

When: 3 Sundays a month, beginning October 3rd

What: an OWL leadership-approved small group series for caregivers of children & youth of all ages, facilitated by Rose Couet-Pascoe and Geeta Palumbo.
This series invites adults to explore our roles as the primary sexuality educators and role models for the young people we parent. Exploring our values together allows us to open ourselves to new ideas and lose some of the negative scripts we might be carrying from our upbringing and past experiences. Talking through the ways we might approach challenging topics before we begin those conversations gives us a chance to practice finding the right words.

Please note: Attending at least 2 of the first 4 sessions is mandatory, as we will lay some essential ground-work together. Interested? Please fill out our Children’s Ministry Registration form.

Faithful Journeys

Faithful Journeys is a 4-session series for ages 6-12 that will begin Sunday, September 26, during Coffee Hour after service. Together we’ll explore the ways being Unitarian Universalist can shape choices and actions. Superman, Translyvania, and Hosea Ballou—come hear the stories of amazing UUs and tell the story of your amazing-ness!

3-4-5 zUUm

3-4-5 zUUm, UUCP’s space for ages 3-5 to play and connect, will also return on Sunday, September 26, during Coffee Hour after service. zUUm is the place for storytime, sharing, and silliness!

Programs Ending

People Parenting Tuesdays

Our final meeting was September 14. We encourage parents to join our new spaces, CoA Parents and Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators!

Kids Coffee Hour Sundays

The time has come to say, “goodbye for now” to Kids Coffee Hour as we begin our new Sunday program offerings. Join us for our last meeting on September 19.

UU Kids in the Desert Fridays

Our UU Kids in Desert Fridays are also drawing to a close: our final meeting until summer 2022 will be September 24. Thank you for joining us as we provided these two spaces for kid friendly socializing during the harder times of the pandemic. Visit the calendar for these final events.