Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed!

Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed - dancing cartoon coffee cup over a background of a coffee urn and coffee cup

Would you like to help fill in periodically? We’re always looking for friendly faces to join the Coffee Hour Team! Help us bring warmth and connection to our congregation by volunteering for Coffee Hour after Sunday Worship Service. Roles include setting up and cleaning up—and it only takes a few hours a month! Instructions and supplies are provided—no experience required. You can sign up using the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board across from the kitchen, or sign up HERE!

  • Setup Crew: 9:30 – 10:30am
    • Prepare the beverages: coffee, water, tea, lemonade
    • Set up tables & chairs in the Johnson room (they may already be set up) and on the patio
    • Prepare snacks & food
  • Cleanup Crew: 12:30 – 1:30pm
    • Turn off the coffee brewer
    • Discard any remaining beverages
    • Rinse the beverage containers and dishes, sanitize them, and put them away
    • Clean up any leftover food items: store or discard as appropriate
    • Place dirty tablecloths, towels, etc. in the laundry hamper
    • Gather trash & recyling and bring them to the lower parking lot

Thank you for helping to make UUCP a welcoming and vibrant community!