Creating Theology Together

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CREATING THEOLOGY TOGETHER—A New Resource for Building Faith Community.

Our identity and theology are shaped by our lived experience. By understanding our personal theology, we can engage and deepen our commitments in covenantal faith community. Then we can name and claim our shared theology, to inform and shape a public theology that grounds our faithful actions in the world.

This is an in-depth curriculum, with an innovative edge—it is being run by Ministers and Religious Educators from congregations all around Arizona.  This is an opportunity to meet other UUs in the state to go deeper into what you believe and how to put it in action. 

This curriculum was developed in response to the well-known Building Your Own Theology by Rev. Dick Gilbert.  From that course, Rev. John Morehouse wrote a dissertation called Creating Theology Together. In it, he wondered how moving beyond our focus on the individual search for truth and meaning might create space for a shared theology in UU congregations. We’ve created CTT to ground and center a congregation’s social justice work in UU theology and mission, and to inspire a deeper commitment to covenantal community, and to our faith’s values and principles.

You can learn more about the curriculum here:

WHEN: October 2024 through March 2025

It will include 3 in-person Saturdays and 6 online Mondays 

  • Saturdays, from 10am-4pm: 10/12, 12/7, and 3/1. 
  • Mondays (online), from 6-7:30pm: 10/28, 11/18, 12/16, 1/13, 2/3, and 2/24

The Saturday sessions will be in congregations around Arizona. At this point, we are planning on one gathering in the Phoenix area, one in the Tucson area, and one in Northern Arizona. Specifics and exact location are TBD. We anticipate there will be opportunities for carpooling and home-stays.  While we understand that participants may not be able to attend every session, we’re asking you to prioritize the 3 in-person sessions and at least four of the online sessions. 

COST: We are offering a sliding scale for this class so that it can be accessible to everyone.  We suggest a sliding scale between $0-$150.  If you can pay the full amount, you make it possible for those who cannot. 

WHO:  This curriculum is aimed at anyone 14 years old and up.  If you are middle school age and are interested, talk to your Minister. 

Multiple ticket prices available for all budget levels. Select the option that’s best for you. Register by September 30th.