Love Letters to the Earth

Love letters to the Earth

Reconnect with the Earth!

The Earth Justice Ministry is collecting people’s Love Letters to Nature. Have you ever felt a sense of awe or, as Phil Slater put it, magic when you’ve been out in nature? It could be something in your back yard, like a bee, a bird, or a butterfly. Or it might have been a stream in the wilderness as in Arivaipa, Havasupai, or the upper Verde. Or seeing Vermillion Cliffs for the first time from afar. It can take your breath away!

If so, please write your experience in about 200 words, or in a poem. Then please film yourself reading it and send it to We would like to collect as many as possible to let Mother Earth know we love her and are thinking of her.

There are some videos of Love Letters to the Earth you can watch. Three high schools hosted a news conference with students reading love letters to the Earth, and Arizona Interfaith Power and Light, Arizona Faith Network, and the Franciscan Renewal Center hosted a noontime love letters to the Earth event.