For most of our worship services beginning in the spring of 2020, we have video recordings of the full worship service and of just the sermon available for you to watch.

Woman sits near the water on a rock

Return Again: Resting for Liberation

Led by: Brigitta Vieyra
Worship Associate: Amy McKlindon
Music: UUCP Members

Intentionally slow down and reimagine with us how rest is a meticulous love practice that disrupts oppressive grind culture. This Sunday, you're invited to tune into the prophetic wisdom of Tricia Hersey’s rest-as-resistance framework and discover how embracing ease is a pathway for collective liberation.

Black text next to a purple stole on a gradient background

Hope and Liberation in the Black Church

Led by: Rev Christine
Worship Associate: Sam Kirkland
Music: UUCP Choir

In our next installation of our Liberation in World Religions series, we will be exploring the "Black Church," the American traditions of resistance, hope and liberation that have come from the Black American Diaspora. They have much to teach us about liberation in our current day.

The earth floating in space with the words Earth Rise over it.

Earth Rise

Led by: Rev. Christine
Worship Associate: Gary Ezzell
Music: Benjie Messer

We will explore the magic and hope of Amanda Gorman's poem EarthRise to delve into further layers of Earth Day and how we keep our hope, commitment and promise to our Earth.

The Year we Save the Earth text next to a pictuer of the earth with the words One World floating above it

The Year to Save the Earth

Led by: Jim Scott
Worship Associate: Rev. Christine
Music: Songwriter Jim Scott, with the UUCP choir

Mixing powerful songs and beautiful projected images, “The Year to Save the Earth” takes us from celebration to grieving, protest to positive vision for the planet. Jim Scott’s lyrical melodies and outspoken poetry celebrate what’s beautiful, amazing, and fragile about this planet. As well as hard reality, the program’s message is one of optimism with many invitations to join in the singing. Facing the urgency of the environmental crisis, the songs challenge us to feel, to learn and to act.

A picture of a timeline of historical events for UUCP.

Grace Without God

Led by: Rev. Dr. Walt Wieder
Worship Associate: Bill Snowden and Gary Ezzell
Music: ReSisters

A little bit of Christian theology, a glance at early Unitarians and Universalists and some thoughts about hope. What could go wrong?

A field of Easter eggs in pastel colors.

The Unsettling Power of Easter

Led by: Rev Christine
Worship Associate: Carrie Lifshitz
Music: Open Strings, Choir

Surprises can be startling, exhilarating, frightening or bewildering. As we contemplate the Christian story of Easter, we will be looking at the story from the perspective of surprise--the Easter surprise that was all of those things and how it can lead to promise but it may make us quite unsettled in the process. Join us after service for the surprises that our kids will find in their special Easter Egg Hunt.