For most of our worship services beginning in the spring of 2020, we have video recordings of the full worship service and of just the sermon available for you to watch.
The Arc Is a Long One, My Eye Reaches But Little Ways
Join members of our Racial Justice Collaborative as we share our journeys within toward embracing the 8th Principle to be actively anti-racist.
Phoenix has Pride…and also Prejudice
On this weekend of Pride, we're going to discuss some of the historical challenges that Phoenix has had with official Pride activities, how we can support the community....and how we should be proud no matter what!
Dia de los Muertos
Join Abuela Sylvia and our UUCP family for our Annual Dia de los Muertos service, honoring those loved ones who have died and keeping their memories alive in our hearts.
When Quitting Seems Easier
Being a teacher during the pandemic has been more than hard. Many people have either quit--or wanted to. What keeps us all from quitting when things get hard? And what can we learn from one of the great teachers in our congregation?
Radical Belonging
Our Vision says that we are striving to be "Radically Inclusive." But is that enough to just include everyone? Don't we want more than just being included? What would it take to feel Radical Belonging
I Know My Rights And I Know Your World. Grandma’s Not Coming Out Unless You’ve Got A Warrant
There are so many things that Elena Perez, an Indigenous member of our congregation, could talk about for Indigenous People’s Day. But she is requesting that you do the work yourselves…and instead will tell you what brings her joy through her unique sense of humor.