Notes From Your Dance Partner

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

This heat is something, isn’t it? This is about the time–late August or early September–when I am just over it. I find that I’m tired of being cooped up in my house and that I’ve gotten a little bit into a “heat rut.” I don’t go out to look at the sunset, or I don’t admire the mountains in the same way. I just seem to tolerate the outside as I go from AC space to AC space. And I’ve been spending a lot of time in my office and my home. I love my home…and I’m ready to get back outside. 

I imagine there have been times in your life that fit this metaphor as well–times that feel like they are a rut or where hard things are happening and you just can’t seem to catch a break. Or times when we’ve let go of practices that are healthy for our mind, spirit or body that have sustained us. 

These are the times that we need to turn to our spiritual practices. They are opportunities to refresh our home altar space and light our candles or chalices in a sacred part of our space. It is the time when we turn to the things that nourish our spirits or minds. 

For me, I have set up a meditation space in our spare room. I like pulling out an Oracle card each morning to see what it gleans for me. And I’ve been lighting candles around my home to make the space feel less stuffy. And, if all that isn’t enough, I blast out some music that is really meaningful or motivating to me. 

This weekend, the temperatures are supposed to get below 100. I hope you can get some time outside to nourish your spirit and that you find some rituals inside that do the same.