Notes From Your Dance Partner

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who shared their thoughts and opinions after Sunday’s service about how we are functioning as a multi-generational congregation. I am so proud to be your minister and I am so proud of the way that folks opened their hearts, deeply listened and explored what had meaning for them. Folks shared their opinions through sheets left on their chairs, in the Zoom chat and in emails after service.

At the writing of this newsletter, I am still receiving messages and I’m still processing all of the thoughts, but there are some common themes that I have heard:

  • The power of an apology: a number of you mentioned how much they appreciated that I started with an apology that we hadn’t shared more of the background behind the decisions earlier.
  • Gratitude for understanding both the practicalities and the philosophical explanations.
  • There were several comments expressing appreciation for the leadership on this issue.
  • There were some comments expressing gratitude that we’re addressing this conflict in an open and healthy way.
  • Many of you expressed support, pride and excitement of how we are incorporating youth in our congregation.
  • Some of you expressed concern with the amount of change that this congregation has seen in the last few years and a few expressed concerns about their sense of belonging. These are definitely areas where we need to explore more.

I am sharing feedback with the Board of Trustees and we will continue the discussions. Please know that I am always open to your thoughts and perspectives, especially if you have concerns about your belonging.

Again, I am so proud of how we are doing community together, so glad that we are engaging in conversation and so happy to be your Minister.