Notes From Your Dance Partner – June 15

A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

What a year this has been! We’ve been back in person for over a year now. We went through so many discussions around masking and finally went to mask-optional in January. We started singing together in March. With all of that, we are still dealing with the effects of the pandemic–mental health challenges from the isolation, financial impacts, learning how to “people” again, and finding our new normal.  

I think that this congregation has been vibrant and alive this year–it has been so wonderful to feel the energy of the volunteers and leaders, of the new folks coming in and of how we still have folks on zoom who are participating.  

I will be away from the pulpit for a bit this summer. Some of it is work/ministry-related: going to our denomination’s General Assembly (where I’ll be celebrating my Full Fellowship!), helping in the final week of Kids Camp, and serving as the Camp Minister for the Senior High week at Camp de Benneville Pines.

I’ll be taking a couple of weeks to relax with my sister and family in Indiana, and I’ll be spending some Study Time reading and planning for next year. My hope to get rested, refreshed and prepared for an exciting, productive, meaningful ministry next year.  

While I am gone, our Ministerial Intern Brigitta Vieyra will be taking more of a leadership role. She and our Caring Ministries Team will be able to respond to pastoral issues.  Also, she and our Worship Associates will be providing meaningful worship services.  

I am wishing you a summer of refreshing moments, spiritual growth and renewal and time to connect with loved ones.