Please Join Us in Funding Exciting Changes at UUCP!!

Mini Capital Campaign 2024

Building renovation is happening at UUCP. Some of these renovations will be happening during the month of July and first week of August as those changes must happen before our new tenants arrive and in time for our next programming year. The Johnson Room expansion, Sanctuary Wall and Wiggle room will happen after funding is achieved. With that in mind, we hope you will join us soon in supporting our Mini-Capital Campaign.  

We’re raising $175,000 to get everything completed. Not only does it serve our Congregation well, but in many instances prepares us for the future in creating new income streams as well. This money will cover the cost of construction, permitting where needed, and final finishes. Our Renovation Team is made up of Bunny Hodas, as the project manager, Duke Plattner, who will oversee the fundraising, and Marlene Katz, who will help communicate to the Congregation on a regular basis what is happening, what you need to know in terms of spaces, how we’re doing on our fundraising, etc. Watch Compass and the website for regular updates. While we’d love to complete the bigger projects sooner than later, we will be fiscally responsible in waiting until we’ve raised those funds to proceed, so pledging and paying in increments or later in the year is just fine. Please email your intention of support to Or if you’re ready to pledge or donate now, you can access the pledge form directly.

You can learn more details on the website: Mini Capital Campaign 2024.