Stewardship Campaign Starts Now!

UUCP Stewardship logo on a white background.

Stewardship is the act of protecting and being responsible for something worth caring for and preserving. The UUCP founders recognized the value proposition in establishing a home for progressive ideas and theology, and they left us their legacy. In 2023, we have the awesome responsibility to set a trajectory for how we emerge from the pandemic and cement our legacy. To appreciate how important UUCP is in each of our lives, we ask you to reflect on this year’s theme of UUCP2me. What aspects of UUCP are worth caring for and preserving to you, to others, to the whole congregation, and the community?

The accountable act of Stewardship starts with a commitment that UUCP counts in your life and you want to be counted within the congregation. Stewardship continues with an investment in the legacy we wish to leave to those around us and future generations. The investment includes volunteering your time and sharing your talents, as well as a responsible financial contribution, to any extent that you are able. 

In prior years, the Board trimmed and cut the budget. The lean budget is not viable for the upcoming year, and a fully funded budget goal has been set for the 2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign. To deliver the value and impact of UUCP, $625,000 in member and friend contributions are necessary. Additional revenue only comes from the on-campus school leases and a fixed donation from the UU Foundation of Phoenix. The value and impact of UUCP comes from within us.

To preserve UUCP, we ask you to:

  1. Affirm the statement “I am here because I commit to be present and accountable for the care and preservation of UUCP. I consent to be counted among the members and friends of UUCP.
  2. Pledge a responsible financial investment in the life and mission of UUCP using the online accounting system:
  3. Set up payment of your Stewardship Pledge online, which anchors the financial well-being of UUCP. Here are step-by-step instructions: Setting Up Your Financial Pledge in Realm.

If you have any questions about Stewardship, please email us

If you have trouble with the online systems, please ask for help

If you are unable to support UUCP financially this year, and wish to show your commitment to the congregation, you can enter a pledge amount of $0 when completing the form above. 

For all that you give to UUCP, we are grateful and can live into our best selves. Thank you in advance for making the 2023-2024 Stewardship Campaign a success.