The Dallas congregation is offering a free online class about “Turning Points in UU History” for all Unitarian Universalists everywhere! This series explores turning points and controversies in our history, delving into the complexities of these historical moments through primary texts, to understand how they shaped Unitarian Universalism and how we relate to our faith today. The class runs for 6 Wednesdays at 5-6:15pm Arizona time, April 3 – May 8 on Zoom. For more information or to register and get the materials and Zoom link, email Please copy so we can assess the interest in this offering.
The six topics are:
Session 1: The divide between the Congregationalist and Unitarian Churches, early 1800s
Session 2: Two versions of Universalism, early 1800s
Session 3: Trancendentalists vs Traditionalists early to mid 1800s
Session 4: Ethical vs Theistic Unitarianism as it expanded westward; rise and fall of women ministers, mid 1800s
Session 5: Influence of Humanism, early to mid 1900s
Session 6: Acknowledging issues of race and privilege, 1960s