UUCP Space Shift Update for May 21

The words the Great UUCP Space Shift in white on a puzzle background.

The Great UUCP Space Shift continues! Here are some things you might notice this week at UUCP:

  • Children’s Ministries has moved to Room 2 and is unpacking.  
  • The copier is still in Room 2. Please be aware that it is an office space when you are using it.  
  • The Preschool is packed up and almost moved out.  
  • The Annex Rooms are all closed and inaccessible as DVLC does some construction work over the summer.  
  • The handicap access into the main UUCP building is still accessible through the back patio.  
  • The play structure has been removed. We will be looking at creative new ways we can reimagine that space for play.  
  • There are office supplies upstairs in the space that was previously Brigitta’s office.  

We will do our best to keep you updated in this space in Compass and the website.  We are SO grateful for your patience, your curiosity and your laughter (see Rev. Christine’s Notes From Your Dance Partner to hear more about that) as we continue to shift this summer. 

The GREAT Space Shift

We are looking at a BIG space enhancement next year with a mini-Capital Campaign of approximately $150,000 that will provide us with a number of great enhancements–ones that will provide benefits for so many different groups within UUCP, including:

  • Turning the Music Office in the sanctuary into a Wiggle Room
  • Having that wiggle room connect to a nursery in the hallway.  
  • Having multiple Adult Faith Development classrooms in Rooms 12 and 15.  
  • Creating a Children’s Faith Development Room in Room 11.
  • Possibly enlarging and refreshing the Johnson Room, so that we have more room in there and can rent it out for weddings, etc.  
  • Moving our youth chapel from Annex C to Room 1 (in July)
  • Moving our Children’s Ministry office to Room 2
  • Creating a Toddler Space

You will be getting more information on where exactly everything is going, where you’ll be able to find the printer/paper clips/chalices/etc] and having input on whether your group has any additional needs in the coming months.  

The MINI Space Shift 

In the short term, you will see a few “mini-moves” beginning as early as May, including:

  • Moving items out of Annex B and C and having classrooms available in 10, 11, 12 and 15
  • Stephanie (our Business Administrator) moving to Room 9 in July
  • Children’s Ministries moving to Office 2
  • The Youth Chapel moving to Office 1 (in July and into 3 and 4 for the month of June)
  • Office supplies will be in the Ministerial Intern office upstairs

We are excited to share more information with you as we have it and want to be proactive and transparent with the information.  Look for the Space Shift logo for updates in Compass and the website and on signs in the building. We hope you are as excited for the transformation as we are. And we hope you will be patient and kind as we figure out the many details involved in this kind of shifting.