Private: The Wind in Both Ears

I have always enjoyed peeking around the corner to see what I might discover, imagining what might be coming next, relishing the experience of waiting and the time of preparation.  I vividly remember a...

Private: Connection, Stewardship, Commitment

Our Mission is Welcoming All in Building Religious Community, called to Share Journeys   Grow in Spirit   Advance Justice The definition of Stewardship – “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care”....

Private: A Reflection on Connections

In my ministerial, pastoral and leadership role, I find myself thinking often about connections in various ways – the quality of connectedness among the members of congregation, connections across ages and stages of life,...

Private: A Welcoming to Inclusion

Hello my name is… Jonny Lifshitz. I use the male pronouns of he, him, his. When my wife Carrie and I first attended Unitarian Universalist services 15 years ago, we were warmly welcomed by...

Private: BLUU Funding Appeal

The Reverend Susan Frederick Gray, President of the UUA, and Lena K. Gardner, Co-Founder and Leader of BLUU announce a generous matching grant, and ask for your support.

Private: Inspiration

I have a clear vision of what a Unitarian Universalist congregation should mean to its members; what it should offer and provide to those who are part of its extended community. The core of...

Private: We Shall Overcome

Democracy, our worship theme for November, is a system of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” as the old quote goes. Democratic governments require people to work together. And...